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Widow, retired missionary, ordained minister, mother, grandmother and great grand mother. My Blog:https://ddeschampsblog.blogspot.ca/

Sunday, April 2, 2023

.....and then I heard the children shout out my name

Recently I attended a prophetic conference in my local church. Although I did not receive a specific prophecy for my life, I felt a renewed spiritual strength, which will bless me for months to come. Through the speakers God has chosen to teach us, I also sensed an encouragement from the Holy Spirit that refreshed my soul.  During a conference such as this one, various people received a personal prophecy. For some it is exactly the answer they had been praying to receive. For others, it was a prophecy that will change their life forever. Others received a prophecy that at this time, they do not quite understand. What is very important to remember that in this type of situation it is wise to write down the prophecy and keep it close to your heart. Do not disregard what you received; no, rather continue to pray and let the Holy Spirit guide you. I remember a similar experience while Roger & I were attending bible school courses in the years 1984-1985. I found the course on prophecy interesting, but I must admit that at the time I did not really understand what prophecy meant for my own life. During the last session, the teacher, a humble and anointed lady, asked the entire classroom to start praying. She felt she had prophetic words for some of us. After a few minutes, she told us to stop praying, but to listen very carefully to the prophetic words she was going to speak over the lives of several people in the classroom.  After a few minutes, she approached Roger & I and with her hands on our shoulders she said: The Lord sees your servants’ hearts and He is going to give you something to do that will surprise you.”  She continued with the following words:I see many children around you, many children and for you Denise, you are going to be the mother of hundreds of children. When you will arrive in various locations, the children all dressed in white will shout your name. The Lord is going to use you both in ways that right now you don't even understand. Amen!”  She was right. We had absolutely no clue what this prophecy meant. Once we got home, I wrote it down and we kept those words in our hearts. At the time, we were not involved with the children's ministry in our local church. We both knew in our hearts that it was a word from the Lord, but the revelation was still a few years away. I say this to encourage you to be willing to wait upon the Lord. Pray and in His own time, the Lord will give you the revelation. For us part of the revelation came to Roger on our way home from a mission trip we made to Tijuana in July 1989. At an altitude of 38,000 feet in the air, somewhere between San Diego and Ottawa, Roger understood the calling on our lives. When he explained this revelation to me, I felt a great peace and in complete agreement with my husband. But this was just the first part of the prophetic word we had received back in 1984-1985. 

The other part of the prophecy the one where the kids would shout out my name only came several years later. In 1992, on nice sunny afternoon, we were driving on a rugged road on the side of a mountain, on our way to deliver groceries to some poor families. The children in that area knew us because every week we had a bible study with them at their small local church. When the children saw our vehicle, they started shouting: “Hermana Denise, hermana Denise” and they came running towards our vehicle. And it has never stopped. Everywhere we went the children would run to our van shouting my name. One day Roger told me laughingly:Denise, do you realize that the kids are always calling your name and not mine!”  The part of the prophecy that said “children dressed in white” never became a reality or so I thought. The children the Lord gave me were for the most part were poorly dressed and often dirty. After a while I understood that although in my human eyes I saw them in rags and dirty, BUT GOD SAW THEM DRESSED IN WHITE!

I shared these details with you to encourage you. When the Lord has a prophetic word for you, even if it doesn't make any sense to you at that moment, please remember that the Lord never speaks without a purpose or a reason. Keep this word in your heart and pray, for there will come a day you when you will understand the revelation and the fulfillment of “your prophecy” will be at your doorstep. It is also important to be cautious that if you feel that you have received a word that indicates a call to ministry, don't rush and try on your own to make that word “happen”. Wait for God's timing.....for His timing is always perfect. God bless all of you who are still waiting for a revelation from heaven! It is coming!

 Denise      Please note my New Email address:  deschampsdeniserev@yahoo.com


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