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Widow, retired missionary, ordained minister, mother, grandmother and great grand mother. My Blog:https://ddeschampsblog.blogspot.ca/

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Imagination is the ability to see what is yet unseen. It is a powerful gift from the Lord. Learning how to use our imagination correctly is vital in the life of God’s children. All of us have dreams and visions, but none of it will ever happen if we do not dare to think or say: “I can only imagine.”

Dave Thomas was the founder of the restaurant chain called Wendy’s. He was between six weeks to six months old when he was adopted and raised by his adoptive parents, Rex & Auleva Thomas. As a child he always imagined one day owning a hamburger restaurant. On November 15, 1969, his dream was fulfilled when the first of his many franchises called Wendy’s opened for business. His dream happened only because Dave Thomas had dared to think: “I can only imagine.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. also thought: “I can only imagine.” In his speech "I Have a Dream" delivered on Aug. 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., changed the lives of every African American. He sadly was murdered while still young, but his dream is still stirring people to strive for peace and equality in the hearts of nations all over the world.

Dreaming, is for all of us. Dr.Cindy Trimm, a well-known Christian author says that it is  time for all of us to consciously paint the canvas of our life with whatever you aspire to achieve. You are never too young or too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.” 

In Habakkuk 2:2 (NKJV), the Lord says:Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.”. So, fill your mind with positive thoughts. Don’t ever think that your vision is not important. Write down what you feel in your heart. Do not be afraid to activate the gifting the Lord gives you. Bring it to the Lord in prayer and then dare to think: “I can only imagine.” Your best days are still ahead for many of you. 

As a little girl I loved it when my teachers would ask us to do a written book report or an essay. When Roger had his accounting firm, he would give me the details for letters he needed to send to his clients and say: “You know what I mean, when the letter is ready, I will sign it.” While on the mission field, I also did all the correspondence with our TLCCM partners. For him it was chore, for me it was an opportunity to express myself.

For years I have kept a spiritual diary of my walk with God. I write during the good times and during the difficult times. By writing down my feelings, my joy or my anxieties, I express myself to the only ONE that can guide me through every situation I face.

In the winter of 2017, one morning during my prayer time, the word “blog” dropped into my spirit. I did not know what it meant, but I wrote it down in my journal and I asked the Lord to give me the understanding. Later that day, when I researched the meaning of the word, I had a sense of joy in my heart that this was something I would probably love to do.  But at the time, the ministry in Tijuana consumed much of my time. I could not see where I would find the time or how I could take on something completely different. Because the thought of having a BLOG was never far from my mind, I started to think: “I can only imagine.” From that day on I would write when I could find some free time and save these notes on my computer under the title BLOG. I had no idea how to set up a BLOG, so I reached out to my good friend and our TLCCM website designer who graciously made that happened. 

On August 12, 2017, I published my first article. Today this article is called I can only imagine, is the 63rd one I have published. Now that I am retired, I will certainly publish articles on a more regular basis. I will also continue to write in my Manuscript because again that is something I think of as: “I can only imagine.” 

I said all of this to encourage all of you to have dreams and visions. Don’t let age, situations or people stop you from making your dreams a reality. If I can do it, so can you!

Ephesians 3:20 says, “God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, and above all, you could ever ask, imagine, or think, according to His power at work in you. To Him be the glory.”  What an encouraging promise. God is able to do way more than you could ever even imagine! Dare only to imagine!

Sincerely, Denise


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