Jesus answered and said, “Permit even this….” Luke
22:51 (NKJV)
We all have come face to face with situations that we
really wished could have been avoided or resolved in a different fashion. At
times we also have felt the Lord leading us down a path with no clear instructions, but at the same
time have felt a strong sense of going forward knowing that He would lead us
through each step.
In these situations, in faith, we need to say to the Lord: “Permit even this….” This is called
I have been through many of these situations, where I
honestly did not know the why, the how and the direction in which the Lord was
leading. I must admit that many times I resisted and wrestled with
the not knowing the why and the how.
But I have learned that wrestling and resisting has only
brought me anxieties, times of discouragement and even despair.
In Genesis 12:1, the Lord told Abraham to go to a land he
did not know. If you notice, God told Abraham to go, but He did not give him a
list of instructions. Abraham had to activate his faith and go before the Lord
would give him directions.
In the past I have tried to convince God to please explain
to me the why and the how. I was willing to trust Him, if He gave me an
One day as I was crying and complaining. I asked Him
why I was going through so much pain. This was His answer that He gently
dropped in my spirit: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. 9 For as
the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And
My thoughts than your thoughts.”
That immediately stopped me from questioning and complaining.
Over the years, I have found it easier to say: “Permit even this….”, because every time I have let go and trusted Him
completely, the problem or situation was resolved in
a positive way and in a much better than I had imagined.
Even as I write this article something is happening in my
life for which I have no understanding. Once more, I started to complain but it
did not last long.
After a few minutes of self-pity, I realized I was not
going to go anywhere but negative on this matter. I do not need to tell the
Lord what I have done or have not done, what I need or do not need. He already
Instead, I started to thank my Heavenly Father for the
fantastic way He is going to resolve this situation. In the last few days, I have had to repeat several times: Lord, Permit even this….”,
For the last 28 years, the
Lord has provided in so many ways, in so many circumstances that it gives me
faith that whatever I need for myself at this time, for my family
or for the ministry.......HE SHALL CONTINUE TO PROVIDE.
When the Lord takes you in an unusual direction, don’t resist, wrestle
or rebel. Instead, lean into His embrace and whisper, “Permit even this”.
Heaven will tell the magnificent story of all that happens as a result. instead pray:“Lord, today, help me to say: ”Yes, Lord permit even this” ***
Whatever problem,
difficulty or stress you are facing today remember that Jesus is with you
always. His Word says: “And surely I am with you always, to the
very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20 NIV)
It is best to surrender and say: “Lord, permit even this!”
You will be amazed at how
peaceful you will be and how well the Lord will take care of you.
Have a blessed day
everyone! Denise
*** Quotation taken from “Quiet time for Women” by Catherine Martin