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Widow, retired missionary, ordained minister, mother, grandmother and great grand mother. My Blog:https://ddeschampsblog.blogspot.ca/

Monday, September 18, 2017

Our testimony


In August 1990, Roger and I left for the mission field of Tijuana, Mexico.  We were saved in a house group in September 1981. At the time Roger was a successful chartered accountant with his own firm in Ottawa. I was his office manager.

Success, permitted us to have a condo on the beach, expensive clothes, very nice cars, jewelry, many beautiful trips, basically anything we wanted……and it was fun for a while.

We attended an English-speaking church where the teaching was excellent. We also took several bible courses. The more we got to know the Lord, the more the things this world had to offer lost their attraction. After a while, it was just another pair of shoes, another trip, another car. It all became meaningless. By 1987, we had both become uncomfortable with the status quo.  One day as we talked about our lives, Roger told me he was getting fed up of pushing a pencil just to make another dollar.

So, we started to pray.  We asked the Lord to use us in His kingdom. In July 1989, we went on a trip to Tijuana to check up on our daughter. She had been there on a month-long mission trip. While we were there checking up on our daughter, the Lord checked up on us. On the plane coming home at 38,000 in the air, Roger told me that he felt the Lord was calling us to Tijuana. Actually, I was not surprised by his comment, no, on the contrary I was quite at peace with it.

A few days after returning home, the Lord gave Roger the scripture in Deuteronomy 11:8: Observe therefore all the commands I am giving you today, so that you may have the strength to go in and take over the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess…”

Then, on September 13th. 1989 during our time of prayer, the Lord gave me the scripture in Genesis 12:1: "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.”

Within one year, we sold our business, house and condo and on August 2nd. 1990, we left for the mission field.  That day is permanently engraved in my mind. I remember driving out of the driveway of our beautiful home in Carp, in our van and pulling a small travel trailer. Standing together in the driveway waving us goodbye, were our three adult children. Although we both knew in our hearts this was the calling of God on our lives, this it was a most difficult goodbye.

We had the privilege to be on the mission field on a full-time basis for 15 years. We experienced many challenges and some major adjustments, but we were happy. To every calling there is a cost. Ours was not the drastic change of lifestyle, the long hours or often the feeling of isolation. No, for both of us, the cost of our calling was the physical separation from our children. Nevertheless, those 15 years were the best years of our lives.

In 1992, we founded Tender Loving Care Children ministry and concentrated our efforts in feeding the poor children in the shantytowns of Tijuana. After we fed their bellies, we fed them Jesus. Over the years we fed thousands and thousands of beautiful children. We taught them the Word of God. We gave clothes and shoes. Every year, we paid the school registrations for hundreds of kids so they could go to school. We also sent three to University and one to Teacher’s College, paying all of their expenses. One is now a psychologist, one a teacher, one obtained a degree in administration and one in only one year away from becoming an engineer.
I will always remember these wonderful years and my heart is overwhelmed in gratitude. 

I am certainly most grateful for my wonderful husband. He was a quiet man, but a man of integrity and a man of great faith. He was the best of the best. He went to be with Jesus in March 2008.

I am grateful for my precious children, Chantal, Alain & Eric. During the 15 years we were away all of them at one time or the other, had to walk some rough roads without mom and dad being able to be physically here to help and encourage them. 

I am always so very grateful for seven wonderful grandchildren. I can remember how very difficult it was to be so far away when most of them were born. Every time we came for a visit it was always so very difficult to leave them all behind. They are my pride and joy.

I am grateful for other wonderful family members, great friends, my pastors and home church family and faithful ministry partners that stood by us then and are still standing with me now.

I am grateful for an amazing team of faithful leaders and workers in Tijuana who daily take tender loving care of our precious TLCCM children. I am grateful for their love, patience, dedication and understanding. All of them are all very special to me and I love and greatly appreciate each one of them.

From 1994 to 2004, Roger & I wrote a Spanish children’s curriculum of bible studies and Sunday school lessons. Not only are these lessons, still being used in our TLCCM program in Tijuana. Through our TLCCM website, they are being used by children’s leaders in many Hispanic countries, including Cuba. The spiritual material on our website can be downloaded free of chargeI also have some adult Spanish teaching on our website. In October 2017, I also started a BLOG called: “From my heart to yours.”  

I am very grateful for the calling of God on my life. It is a great privilege for me to continue the work in Mexico, and also to help leaders, adults and teachers in various Hispanic countries. I am grateful to the Lord for giving me the privilege to continue be His hand extended, that at this stage of my life, He continues to give me a purpose driven life-experience.  

I thank the Lord for His salvation power, for His grace and mercy. I thank Him for opening for us both, doors of ministry that permitted us to go where we had never gone before, do things we never thought we could do and serve Him in a country that adopted us as their own.

The Lord is my strength, the calling on my life keeps me busy and 
the hope of my reward keeps me going.

My advice: Life is short, so make your best to make memories that will last forever!

May the Lord bless and keep you all in the palm of His precious Hand.

Denise xxx  

Our TLCCM website: www.tlccm.net  My BLOG: www.ddeschampsblog.blogspot.ca

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